key table - translation to russian
Online Dictionary

key table - translation to russian

Key field; Composite primary key; Unique keys; Primary keys; Key (database); Key (computing); Unique id; Key (hash table)

key table      
таблица ключей
unique ID         
однозначный идентификатор; специфический идентификатор
unique key         
клавиша специального знака


(Key West)

город на Юго-Востоке США, в штате Флорида, на о. Ки-Уэст, соединённый автодорогой (проложенной через цепь коралловых островов по мостам и дамбам) с полуостровом Флорида. 27,6 тыс. жителей (1970). Рыболовство. Зимний морской курорт.


Unique key

In relational database management systems, a unique key is a candidate key. All the candidate keys of a relation can uniquely identify the records of the relation, but only one of them is used as the primary key of the relation. The remaining candidate keys are called unique keys because they can uniquely identify a record in a relation. Unique keys can consist of multiple columns. Unique keys are also called alternate keys. Unique keys are an alternative to the primary key of the relation. In SQL, the unique keys have a UNIQUE constraint assigned to them in order to prevent duplicates (a duplicate entry is not valid in a unique column). Alternate keys may be used like the primary key when doing a single-table select or when filtering in a where clause, but are not typically used to join multiple tables.

Examples of use of key table
1. The look is still very much the same – the terraced seating, low key table lighting and sophisticated supper club feel remains.